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Image of the beautiful architecture 

Fachada original.jpg

The Alcázar building was built between 1958 and 1960 by its original owner . It takes its name from the theater-cinema Alcázar, on the opposite corner of the street, which was operational until 2003.


The building and the theater were built under the instruction of the architect. Both are a reflection of the admiration he felt for the architecture, Art Deco and the Arab aesthetic (dome and eight-pointed star), and built as a tribute to the medina in the current urban center of Elche.


The building consists of commercial floors, four levels and a top floor with balcony, on which you will find the characteristic dome of the building and which gives continuity to the cylindrical body at the corner of the entrance. In the windows are small railings with stars decorating the upper part of the attic.


The family has renovated the building keeping its original design in its entire splendor.

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